
Gravity Forms Spinner

The gravity forms spinner for ajax submit has a class associated with it: ‘gform_ajax_spinner’ for use in styling. This information is surprisingly hard to find on the googles. If you ...

WordPress Rewrite API

Read more on custom rewrite rules and the rewrite API: https://codex.wordpress.org/Rewrite_API/add_rewrite_rule I needed to render a page with various url parameters to set the og/meta tags properly. So for example: ...

WordPress Shortcode-ception

How to enable a shortcode to render INSIDE another shortcode…shortcode-ception, if you will. Pretty simple, just wrap the $content part of your shortcode in the do_shortcode() function. Ex: function caption_shortcode( ...

Custom Sort for get_terms

When using get_terms to return term objects from a taxonomy, there is no built-in way to set a custom order, as you can with post object menu order, for instance. ...

Redirect Interface for WordPress Admin

Lots of sites end up needing a client-friendly interface for creating url redirects. Previously the main way I would create a wordpress interface for vanity urls was to have a custom ...

WordPress Discussion Settings

Most of the sites I build do not use comments, but even if you don’t include the comment form in a page/post, the comment api is open for any new ...

Custom Rewrites For Static Pages

Sometimes in the course of a WordPress theme build there is a need to have a pretty url for a page that you don’t necessarily want to exist in the CMS. ...

WordPress Starter Theme

Repo location: https://github.com/acegoulet/wp_starter_template The purpose of this theme is to provide a light-weight starting point when building a custom wordpress theme. Features Basic file structure for standard WP theme Sass-based Files ...

WordPress Plugin: Aceify

Aceify is a WP plugin to consolidate a bunch of functions I normally integrate into themes that are really separate from the theme. This also allows you to control these options without ...