
Remote Work Tips for Newbs

I’ve been working remote full time for the past 7 years, and freelanced remote part time since 2000/2001 (ish). In light of recent events, many folks who have never worked ...

Recently Launched: BingeGiving

Live Site: BingeGiving.com | GitHub This past Saturday I woke up to an email from entrepreneur Salvador d’Auvergne and my old friend and literary-masterpiece-co-author Justin Palma. They needed a website to be ...

WordPress Digest #53

This bi-weekly serves to inform and enlighten our minds on latest happenings in the sprawling countryside we call WordPress Land. Release News Automattic and the WordPress core development team are ...

How To: Setup Password Protected Posts in WordPress

Setting up your theme to support password protected posts in WP is easy. This tutorial assumes you are setting it up on standard posts, but if not, you will just ...

WordPress Digest #52

This bi-weekly serves to inform and enlighten our minds on latest happenings in the sprawling countryside we call WordPress Land. Release News So I keep talking about the Gutenberg project ...

WordPress Digest #51

This bi-weekly serves to inform and enlighten our minds on latest happenings in the sprawling countryside we call WordPress Land. The president of WordPressLand has declared the sun a coward for ...