This bi-weekly serves to inform and enlighten our minds on latest happenings in the sprawling countryside we call WordPress-land. Unverified reports indicate an ongoing military buildup along WordPress-land’s border with long time rival Drupalville.
Release News
- Discussions and initial work has begun on some big changes to the WP Admin menu, which involves creating a real, fully featured Admin Menu API. This should make customizing the admin and whitelabeling easier and promises better documentation.
- A bunch of WP iOS mobile app improvements have been released, including a new share extension, which I could see being very useful. So far it’s only available for hosted sites, but if I were a betting man, I’d wager it’ll make its way to self-hosted WP sites via a plugin or maybe Jetpack eventually. I guess there’s some new stuff for Android too, if anyone cares.
- The Shiny Updates merge proposal for WP 4.6 was written up. These feature upgrades promise to improve an interface I never thought was broken or really needed improvement, but gosh dang it, someone’s excited for it, I’m sure!
Extending WordPress
- Every few months someone does a roundup of WP comments plugins. The latest iteration of this from Torque gets honorable mention because it introduced me to a plugin with the grossest sounding name I can recall in recent memory. Say hello to wpDiscuz.
- The WP Mobile Detector plugin had a security vulnerability and was recently patched. If you use it, update, or take your chances…
WP Drama
The dirty side of dev.
- WordPress turned 13 the other day and didn’t even get a pony.
- What do you want from me? It’s been a pretty drama-free couple weeks.
I don’t know where to file this crap.
- For clients who are new to the content editing world, this list of tips from WPEngine could actually be pretty useful. I said “clients” because I know you already know all this stuff because you are just so darn smart.
That’s all for now. Check back in two weeks for another rundown.