Ace Goulet

I Work for The New School…I SWEAR!

I was joking with a friend the other day about how, since I started working as a Web Producer for The New School, none of the more interesting work I have done has seen the light of day yet. Sure, there are all sorts of scripts and behind the scenes things I have done that are live, but you know what I mean. Well I can no longer say that! This past week, the new homepage for The New School for Public Engagement went live, and it includes a fun little module that highlights the various programs available within the school. I developed this module with html, css and javascript/jQuery and I think it came out pretty damn well! I made use of a handy little inner-border css trick I read about here as well.

This was truly a collaborative effort, as anything in a large institution must be to succeed. So here are the people whose hard work also made this possible (I’ll also list myself again because I’m a not-so-secret narcissist):

It really is a privilege to work with such a talented and driven group of people. I can’t stress enough how amazing it is to be able to focus on my piece of a project and know everyone else working on it will get their jobs done and get them done well. Working in a creative vacuum makes the heart grow stagnant.

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