Ace Goulet

A Boy and His Toys

While I wouldn’t call myself a professional photographer by any stretch of the imagination, I do enjoy taking the odd shot and prefer to have the right gear for the job. So with some extra cash from some recent jobs, I picked up a Canon T3i, a 50 mm f/1.4 lens and for extra kicks a MoneyMaker camera harness from HoldFast.

I couldn’t be happier with the lens and the camera. I was absolutely blown away with the first shots I took. So I decided to take the gear out for some test runs. I went out to the NY Botanical Gardens Orchid Show and shot some obligatory flower photos, as well as a super up close and personal portrait of Edy. Shortly after, I brought the camera along on a trip up to Albany where I took some test video using my nephew, Noah, as the subject. In typical two-year-old fashion, this boy prefers something as mundane as a bottle of water to his vast supply of toys.

As far as the harness goes, I’ve done a couple shoots where I needed two cameras and running around with two shoulder straps was just a pain in the ass. Coincidentally, just as I was deciding I wanted a harness, a friend brought the MoneyMaker to my attention. This thing looks awesome, indulges my inner geek and is STURDY. Saying this thing is built to last is an understatement. Thick leather, solid rivets. Very nice and highly recommended.

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